PinnedQ’s & A’sI find it absolutely brilliant when someone I am speaking with or who reads something I’ve written has questions. It isn’t always easy to…Feb 10, 20222Feb 10, 20222
A Clear Mind and SpiritIt is the end of the world. I am at the end of the world. Aren’t we all.Feb 131Feb 131
Past Life ProgressionToddling through the marvels and madnesses of our personal histories we have the opportunities to find our spiritual roots in the solutions…Feb 6Feb 6
Spiritual FloMy last article entitled Accessing Grace was on the topic of making connections with our own souls and making steady progress in our…Jan 23Jan 23
Accessing GraceReaders have commented that this article suggests to them that it was written about a current particular political situation and persons…Jan 16Jan 16
The Sacrament of ExiAt one point or another in our lives we all wonder what we are doing here. Why were we created? Why were we born? What is the point of our…Jan 2Jan 2
Figure It OutIn less than a week the year 2024 AD will be over and we shall be well and truly on our way into 2025 AD. Those of us in my line of life…Dec 26, 2024Dec 26, 2024
A Crack in the Walls of ExistenceIn our willingness and desire we are guided out of the dark of unknowing and into the light of Creation. We are guided on this voyage among…Dec 19, 2024Dec 19, 2024