Holes In The Wall
My experience as an exorcist leads to a very basic conclusion. One is either performing an exorcism on inanimate objects (for example, a building) or on a person. Or multiples of either.
Whether exorcising demons from a person, place or thing, there’s always one primary concern. That concern is to contain the contagion. To expel from the person or thing the offending demon or demons. To send the hellions back to their hell. One never wants the demons to presume that they can escape or in any way have the upper hand, that they have the power to spread to other people or places.
That is why I am called into work.
Sometimes the person who asks for my help knows that demonic possession is occurring. They want it gone. Done. Over.
They want the person, which can be themselves, or object to be freed from possession.
I want the same, plus I want the demons locked away back in hell where they cannot cause further harm.
Sometimes I’m told that things happen while I’m working. Winds blow. Trees shake. Skies change. They darken and then become bright as the exorcism nears its completion. Holes get punched in walls.
You know what it looks like when builders are putting in walls or remodeling and a two by four slips in a worker’s hands? The end of the board hits the plaster and knocks a hole in the wall. Or when somebody loses control of their temper and punches a wall while enraged? Way down on my list of favorite things in life is discovering a mouse hole in a wall.
Once I had finished an exorcism on a house when the owner approached me. He asked if I had noticed a hole in the garage wall before I started working. He described the area and I told him there weren’t any holes there. But as I was exorcising the house, I had found a couple of devils hiding behind that part of the wall who were battling me. They fought against being pulled out. I removed them in short order and disposed of them.
The reason he asked was that a hole had appeared in the wall the demons had hid behind. Its appearance clearly transpired as a result of the devils being pulled out of their hiding place into the garage. And, eventually, back to hell where they belonged.
Thank goodness, he understood. He was planning to have some work done around the house. That hole was added to the list.
Whatever happens as a result of any work I do as an exorcist, healer or other, takes place because I am patching up holes.
Grace holes.
The holes in my soul are grace leaks. I forget that I am taken care of by other humans and angels. They are sent to spread Love’s grace all over my soul. To cajole me into comprehending what a lucky man I am.
How incredibly gifted I am to live the life granted me.
It’s no big deal to me that I have these spiritual gifts. The gifts are innate. I was born with them the same way I was born with blue eyes. The big deal is that, as painful as it is to be around other people, as private of a person as I am, all of you are gifts.
All of life is one gift on top of the last. Life is an inverted pyramid of grace. It starts with one gift. Upon that are a few more grace notes. Then more and more and more. As we progress in grace, mortaring the spaces where grace seeps out, we grow in our grace-filled lives.
It is the job of each of us to see through our personal anger, our upsets. To live beyond any personal hostility we may feel for another. To recognize the smile on our face and the anger in our gut cause us spiritual pain. Sweet hostility is our enemy. It drains out whatever positivity there may have been in us. All we have left is a hole in our soul.
We can feel as if we have just been hit by a truck the moment we become aware that we’re throwing away our best lives.
The best person we could be.
I have seen people who appear stricken when they fathomed their own depths of emptiness. They saw the holes in the walls of their souls. Holes that they never knew existed. Holes they had never been conscious were created by forgetting their own gifts.
We forget our gifts. We forget that we’re empowered to be gifts to other people. What if someone needs you specifically to be the person who brings goodness into their lives? They don’t need treats or to be bought off with hollow words or gestures.
They need you.
They need you to care.
They need you to care now.
Every person in this world needs to know that you hold them in unconditional positive regard.
It fills the holes in their souls.