Predictions for 2021: New Realities
Some predictions for the year 2021.
If you have lived your life wisely and with thoughtful intelligence up to this point — the last day of December in the year 2020 — odds are you may continue to live.
If you have behaved foolishly, all bets are off. They always have always been off. That will change when you change. Like your parents told you.
The sun will continue to rise in the East and set in the West.
Mercury will be in retrograde most of February, June, and late September through the middle of October. While people around you are freaking out about how awful that is, you can decide whether or not it is awful. A scientist who is also psychic taught me that I could continue to have absolutely terrible Mercury retrogrades if that was what I wanted. My other choice was to know it was coming and decide how I wanted to coordinate my thoughts and energies with the shifts in planetary polarities. Life could go on as usual, maybe even be better than usual, or it could be a total disaster. My call.
New moons and full moons can be like any other day or they can be complete disasters. See above. If you know that the tide is coming in, you don’t stand in the middle of a swelling tidal pool unless you are ready for the consequences. Nor do you stand on top of a mountain dressed in aluminum foil during when there’s lightening. You have the ability to make your life happy, regardless the phases of the moon.
There will be rain. There will also be snow, sleet, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. If you are supposed to survive them, you will.
Hellfire and brimstone will come should you decide that’s what you want.
You can get one of the vaccines for Covid-19. Those of us with allergies are watching it closely, but I have survived the Salk vaccine, influenza, pneumonia and a host of other shots and vaccines. God gave us women and men with the brains and perseverance to figure out those vaccines to keep us healthy and alive. Having just had two other vaccines in the last few months, I’ve decided to use my God-given intelligence to get in line for the Covid-19 vaccine shots. Smart people will get the vaccine. Play that one how you want.
People will continue to be born as others continue to die. You always have the option of returning Home to God.
Who fascinates you? Who makes you want to be alive just for the pure joy of knowing them and being with them? My spouse, my daughter and son-in-law are whip smart and funny. My incredibly brilliant grandsons are perpetual sources of wonder to me. Friends surprise me with laughter and insights beyond expectation. I have decided to spend 2021 enjoying their presences in my life. I predict your life will be fuller and happier if you decide to enjoy the people in your life.
If you understand hip hop or rap, great. I predict 2021 will be a bad year to try to explain it to me. Like every year before. I’ll stick with Hildegard of Bingen, Mozart, Handel, Fanny Mendelssohn, Chopin, Duke Ellington and Dolly Parton and others whose music perks up my brain cells. I predict my feelings about rap and hip hop will not change a great deal in 2021.
I predict that in 2021 sports and arts fans across the globe will look forward to the time when things will return to normal after the disruptions of 2020. The arts and sports — like life in general — have changed forever. How people in those fields transform and revolutionize themselves and their fields, as has happened so many times in human history, has yet to unfold.
The year 2020 has brought humankind face-to-face with painful realities. So did every year before it. Every year is different. It brings different challenges. The year 2021 will bring new joys and new obstacles to your life.
I predict you will overcome those you choose to overcome to the extent you work to overcome them.