Rock Stars
Many of us dream of becoming rock stars. Not necessarily in terms of rock music. Although that might be part of the dream, too. More often people dream of becoming rock stars in their profession.
Musician, artist or actor. The next big thing in artificial intelligence discoveries or the outer space scientist who gets to Mars. An IT super geek. The person who takes the world by storm in business, medicine or law.
These people are not terribly unusual. I’ve known some very down to earth outer space scientists who were rock stars. As well as people who are famous in the arts or for some other reason.
Once upon a life, I was a small-time rock star. At least, some people in Europe thought I was a rock star for what I did in business. The Americans around me were mostly convinced I cramped their style.
I also know some not at all famous people who do things no rock stars do.
They gave up wanting to be rock stars to be who they are today. They had very active, high profile lives prior to the time they began to open their spiritual channels.
Those men and women gave up being hooked on chaos. They became people who do not expect a parade for emptying the dishwasher. They take life day by day knowing that our shortcomings one day may be our strengths the next.
They know that a doctor is someone who, as the ancient Latin definition states, is one who teaches. Not necessarily in the medical sense. They study the doctors who teach and heal their souls. What is most often unknown to them is the extent to which they, in turn, serve as doctors for others’ souls.
What surprised me was learning how normal they are.
We think people must live in special settings, wear prescribed clothes and live according to prescribed rituals to reach spiritual depth. What we very often do not see are the very ordinary looking people around us. The first time I met a hermit I was shocked. I thought she was someone who had a business in her home and came into town to shop. I had no idea the woman had given up a successful life to withdraw from the world.
On the verge of becoming a rock star, she left business and her very active social life behind. She saw that the mirror is just a mirror. It did not reflect her soul. Her real self. In her quest to become an unknown kind of rock star — a spiritual rock star known only to a few and searching only after One — she changed lives.
Many more men and women have crossed my path who are like that woman. They lost interest in being rock stars in the world as we know it.
They changed.
Their lives changed.
Rock stars and their wannabes are known for living very famous lives.
We all have the opportunity to drop our “me” lives. Like others before us whom we have seen live selfless lives, we can choose to live “we” lives.
Sometimes people feel themselves ready to live fuller, more spiritually inclusive lives. Those women and men simply feel the need to allow the size of their hearts and souls expand. They let others into their lives in ways no other person may ever see or notice.
That’s the point.
That is what the spiritual doctors teach.
We all get to make our own choices about how we live our lives.
I hated being a rock star in business. It cramped my spiritual life. I was unhappy with who I had become. My job was to help others, but where I was put to work was killing my soul.
Leaving was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
I am not a rock star.
I blew out. I lost the desire to be important. I am hungry to grow and explore and learn about the Master.
You can be a rock star out in the world. You can make millions by doing whatever it is you do.
Only remember that the mirror is not your soul.